KvinnoKapital is organised exclusively for networking, educational and charitable purposes. The purpose of KvinnoKapital is to facilitate an environment enabling women in asset management and related industries to achieve their career and personal goals. The asset management and related industries have come a long way in gender equality, however it has still room for improvement and women as well as men have the power and knowledge to influence and close the gap in the market.
This Code of Conduct has been compiled by input from KvinnoKapital members and written by its board. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to set the tone for all KvinnoKapital activities, engagements and communications and by doing so create an atmosphere of active participation and mutual respect whilst being inclusive. The Code of Conduct applies to all KvinnoKapital members and its guests, as well as from time to time participating donors and/ or speakers.
When participating at a KvinnoKapital event or programme and/or communicating about KvinnoKapital and/or its members, the ultimate goal is for the participants to be mutually inspired and educated and by doing so contribute to the overall objective of KvinnoKapital as an organisation. It is expected by all participants – be it members, their guests, donor and/ or speaker etc. – that they:
- Display both personal and professional qualities of integrity, respect, and honesty when communicating with each other;
- Understand that networking is about developing relationships, building trust as well as sharing knowledge and/or experience;
- Contribute to encouraging members in order to attract more women to the industry and empowering members to explore career opportunities;
- Support and/or sponsor members to inspire them to advance in their career aspirations in any way possible;
- Share ideas to its board about how the organisation can develop and be of even greater use and inspiration to its members;
- Refrain from inappropriately sharing member information. Information is defined as but not limited to data, text or images and inappropriately sharing means any action that can make members’ or participants’ personal information available to third parties or to the public without prior consent;
- May use information received but shall neither reveal the identity nor the source of the information received without written consent from relevant participant/s;
- May establish relationships that could be beneficial in their professional capacity; however, may not conduct business, and in particular not sell to or solicit services from other members and/or participants when taking part in an event or programme;
- Should not feel any obligation to accept an invitation to engage professionally with a participant or member, nor a request to introduce a participant or member to a professional connection;
- Are inspired, inspire and have fun!