About KvinnoKapital

Kvinnokapital is a private network of women in asset management. Since September 2019, Kvinnokapital is registered as a non-profit organisation in Sweden.

The Bylaws are available here.

The Board

The organisation is run by the Board, which is composed of six members. Each one of them is in charge of one or more functions and serves as a deputy for others.

Julia Roording, Regional Director, Northern Europe at AMG, in Stockholm.

Cecilia Thomasson Blomquist, Chief Investment Officer at PP Pension Tjänstepensionsförening, in Stockholm.

Hanna Edstroem, Executive Director, LGT Capital Partners

Helene Idenstedt, Head of External Partnerships and Innovation at AP1

Aline Reichenberg Gustafsson, Managing Director at NordSIP

Deputy board members:

Cecilia Sjöberg, IT and Business Development Consultant at Sapoto. Social Media and Digital Marketing, CB Fonder

How to reach the Board?

All members are highly encouraged to come up with new ideas and suggestions for educational sessions as well as ways to increase engagement and inspire each other.

Do you want to reach the board? It’s easy! Here are all the addresses to reach just the person you need:

If you want to suggest an Event, or have questions about an event, email: events@kvinnokapital.com

For information about Memberships, email: memberships@kvinnokapital.com

For information about the Job board, email: jobs@kvinnokapital.com

To suggest an article to be published on the website, email: content@kvinnokapital.com

For information about Network Lunches, email: lunch@kvinnokapital.com

If you want to reach us for Public Relations, because you want to talk about us, or you would like to find a speaker for an event that promotes women in asset management or finance, email: public-relations@kvinnokapital.com

To reach the entire committee, to share ideas about how to develop Kvinnokapital, or if you are interested in joining the committee, email: board@kvinnokapital.com

For other information about the Website or any other question, email: info@kvinnokapital.com

We look forward to hearing from you soon!