About KvinnoKapital

Kvinnokapital is a private network of women in asset management. Since September 2019, Kvinnokapital is registered as a non-profit organisation in Sweden.

The industry has come a long way in gender equality, but there is still room for improvement and women as well as men have the power and knowledge to close the diversity gap.

We believe that a local women’s networking group can help build contacts, exchange experience, share knowledge and inspire each other, thereby strengthening women’s position in the Nordic asset management industry.

The network meets regularly to listen to inspiring seminars and presentations over lunch or just for an informal after work. Summary of past events, the list of upcoming events and a job board are available on the website (some parts accessible for members only).

a bit of History

KvinnoKapital started as an informal network around 2013 with a simple email list. The network's founding mother, Julia Axelsson regularly invited the women she knew to drinks after work to mingle and meet new women who work in asset management.

By word of mouth, the network grew and soon the email list was complemented by a LinkedIn group. When the LinkedIn group exceeded 200 members, it became too difficult to manage and the website was set up to help manage member applications.

In 2019, as the network continued to expand, the project of an annual gala dinner started to emerge and with it the necessity to formalise the network into a registered non-profit organisation. And the rest is history!

the Board

KvinnoKapital's activities and operations rely entirely on KvinnoKapital's board, composed on highly motivated and engaged women.

Members are highly encouraged to reach out to the board to propose events, recommend content or support the network by initiatives and ideas.

Please look at our contact details below and reach out!

Julia Roording


Julia is Regional Director, Northern Europe at AMG, in Stockholm.

Cecilia Thomasson Blomquist

Vice Chairwoman

Cecilia is Chief Investment Officer at PP Pension Tjänstepensionsförening, in Stockholm.

Hanna Edström, CFA


Hanna is Executive Director at LGT Capital Partners in Zurich

Christina Berg

Board member

Christina is senior manager research analyst at Länsförsäkringar Asset Management

Helen Idenstedt

Board member

Helen is Head of External Partnerships & Innovation at AP1, in Stockholm

Huizi Zeng

Board member

Huizi is Portfolio Manager at Espiria (a part of the East Capital Group)

Anahita Asadi

Deputy board member

Anahita is manager business development for the Nordics at Ninety One (formerly Investec)

Cecilia Sjöberg

Deputy board member

Cecilia works as an IT and Business Development Consultant at Sapoto and with Digital Marketing for CB Fonder in Stockholm

Ann-Sofie Vallée Odenberg

Deputy board member

Ann-Sofie Vallée Odenberg is Director of Sustainability at Brummer & Partners.


Kvinnokapital's activities depend entirely on the work and time of dedicated volunteers.

The activities are currently divided between the following committees:

Recruitment & Member Engagement Committee

To purpose of the committees is to keep a good understanding of our member structure and profiles, as well as supporting members' visibility when deemed suitable. We aim to continuously identify ways that can keep members actively engaged with our organisation and on an ongoing-basis expand the network while improving network quality further over time.

Collaborations Committee

The committee focuses on a structured approach to external collaborations both with donors as well as likeminded organisations and by doing so contributing to our purpose. By increasing our collaborations, we would also like to create a stronger collective effort and contribute to a sustainable co-existence with other organisations promoting women in the asset management or related sectors.

Mentorship Committee

The committee aims to foster networking through mentoring, providing guidance from experienced professionals to women early in their careers within asset management and related industries. This supports both mentors and mentees in achieving their career and personal goals, helping them become the best version of themselves.

Events Committee

The purpose of the committee is to plan and organise events that ultimately benefits our members and therefore serves our overall purpose directly. Events are organized on a regular basis, in different formats and on range of different topics with the purpose to educate and inspire our members through the power of networking.

Contact us

Do you have a question? Do you want to suggest an activity? We're here!

Please email EVENTS to suggest an event, or have questions about an event.

Please email MEMBERSHIPS for information about memberships.

For any other information or technical issues please email INFO.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!


Bylaws (Stadgar)

Code of Conduct

Privacy Policy

Annual Reports
(member access required)