Lunch Groups 2020

Hooray! The lunch groups have been sorted!

We are happy to see that there is still a lot of interest in this format. Now, since we all signed up, things have changed and social distancing is required but please check below which group you belong to, and if you are a group leader, do reach out to your group. Find a date and suggest a format to meet, now, or later.

Why not try a virtual lunch on Skype, Teams or Zoom?
If you need any support organising a virtual lunch, let us know and we can set up a link for you!

Whatever format, just remember the following:

You are about to meet a group of amazing ladies!

We often exchange fantastic stories about the lunch group ladies we met years ago. We hired each other, we got investment ideas or client relationships. Often not directly through the persons we met that day, but through that famous network effect, where one person thinks of you and recommends you to someone else. (In other words, there is no point selling, recruiting or applying for a job at the lunch… just be yourself, give something to the network, and see what happens!) Except for that, the networking lunches have no rules. If you like each other, you can meet again. Once every few months? Once a year? or never again. It’s up to you!

On the day, you may start by introducing yourselves and then talk about whatever you like. However, if you want a theme to get yourselves started, why not talk about Kvinnokapital? One of the questions we ask ourselves right now is ‘how do we facilitate mentorship’ – do you have any idea? We regularly ask members if they have any wishes or suggestions. All feedback is good feedback, just drop a message to

Next year, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for another network group, so don’t hesitate to do that too, and expand your network even further.

Meanwhile, stay safe and check out your group below!

First nameLast nameemail addressGroup nrGroup leader
EmelieAlbeckemelie.albeck@nb.com1You are group leader 1
Agnethajönssonagnetha_jonsson@yahoo.se1Emelie Albeck
ClaireKnophclaire.knoph@outlook.com1Emelie Albeck
LenaEllertsson Freedmanl.ellertssonfreedman@intervalor.com1Emelie Albeck
TinaRönnholmTina.Ronnholm@ap1.se1Emelie Albeck
LouiseLindevalllouise.lindevall@swedbankrobur.se2You are group leader 2
VanessaKanngiesservanessa.kangiesser@ap1.se2Louise Lindevall
ToveBangstadtove.bangstad@amundi.com2Louise Lindevall
GabriellaBergström23120@student.hhs.se2Louise Lindevall Lindevall
JenniferBergstedtjennifer.bergstedt@ipm.se3You are group leader 3
AgneBurauskaite-Harjuagne.urauskaite-Harju@entropics.se3Jennifer Bergstedt
EvaBoriceva.boric@gmail.com3Jennifer Bergstedt
AnnaDunbladanna.dunblad@lynxhedge.se3Jennifer Bergstedt
AngelicaLips da Cruzangelica@aldcpartnership.com3Jennifer Bergstedt
SenaitAsgedeSenaitasgede@hotmail.com4You are group leader 4
AllisFridénfridenallis@gmail.com4Senait Asgede
MariaFrithz Wargmfw@lupia.se4Senait Asgede
MariaGustavssonmariafelicia.gustavsson@gmail.com4Senait Asgede
LinaAlvemurlina.alvemur@aberdeenstandard.com4Senait Asgede
NinaJahanbinninajahanbin01@gmail.com5You are group leader 5
LidiaJastLidia.jast@jpmorgan.com5Nina Jahanbin
NadineViel Lamarenadine.viel.lamare@gmail.com5Nina Jahanbin
EvaRosénEva.rosen@seb.se5Nina Jahanbin
UlrikaRobertssonUR@impactuspartners.com5Nina Jahanbin
MariaLindbommaria.lindbom@lagerpartners.com6You are group leader 6
DaliaAl SalmanDaliaalsalman82@gmail.com6Maria Lindbom
JennyAskfelt RuudJar@ap4.se6Maria Lindbom
MariaKindnessMk@impactuspartners.com6Maria Lindbom
LouiseKlintmananna.louise.klintman@mandg.com6Maria Lindbom
AnnikaOtzannika.otz@nordea.se7You are group leader 7
DespinaXanthopouloudespina@lynxhedge.se7Annika Otz
ChristineBergstedtChristine.bergstedt@cheynecapital.com7Annika Otz
KimLindbergkim.lindberg@amundi.com7Annika Otz
CarolineBerglundcaroline.berglund@gmail.com7Annika Otz
ÅsaPrippasa.pripp@landshypotek.se8You are group leader 8
KarinParmenstamkarin.parmenstam@gmail.com8Åsa Pripp
MartinaSundbergmartina.sundberg@fasolutions.com8Åsa Pripp
RebeccaRehnrebecca.rehn@alecta.se8Åsa Pripp
JuliaRoordingjulia.roording@investecmail.com8Åsa Pripp
ChristinaBergchristina.berg@lansforsakringar.se9You are group leader 9
MariaCanemanmaria.caneman@nordea.com9Christina Berg
CarolineSjöstencaroline.sjosten@swedbankrobur.se9Christina Berg
ThereseAxelssontaxelsson@wellington.com9Christina Berg
AlineReichenberg Gustafssonaline@nordsip.com9Christina Berg