As the first snow of the year fell, we had the pleasure of welcoming Cleo Chang at Aventis Investors to Stockholm today for an inspiring lunch. Cleo Chang modelled humbleness and authentic leadership and that we should keep in mind that gender equality and breaking the glass ceiling requires conscious work and that adjusting to changes is hard for both women and men. We should all know our value and our boundaries to make consicous decisions on work life balance!
Three takeaways: emphasise your key strengths and find your super power, have peace with your weaknesses and make sure they do not become an impediment, be conscious of the environment and whether disruption or sponsorship is needed.
Thank you Cleo for your authenticity and all for your engagement!
Established in 2013, Kvinnokapital is the leading network for women in asset management in the Nordics, boasting over 400 members in various roles within asset management and beyond. Since September 2019, Kvinnokapital has been registered as a non-profit organization in Sweden.