On June 8 the KvinnoKapital lunch session was dedicated to Aberdeen Standard Investments’ recent research called ‘A Woman’s Place: How to boost female labour force participation to lift long term growth’.

Stephanie Kelly, Deputy Head and Abigail Watt, Research Economist at the Aberdeen Standard Investments Research Institute discussed the participation of women in the labour force, the impact of the COVID shock and the effect of access to paternity leave and taxation reforms on female labour force participation. They also elaborated on the impact of our findings on us as investors and the way we engage with the companies we invest in.
Focusing on the often overlooked ‘S’ of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), the authors of the research set out to find what drives differences in female participation in the workforce and highlight why D&I policy really matters for investors.
For more information on this research please click here.
The presentation slides are available here.